🙁 Dave Donaldson

Councillor Election201320162019
Placing4th of 125th of 109th of 10
Councillor Election Results – 2013 – 2019

On Westbrook Sports Precinct:

  • 28 June 2021 – Voted for Shirley Trumpers motion. 🙁
  • 18 May 2021 – Voted for Shirley Trumper’s motion: That the discussion on the future of the Springfield Golf Course be deferred until such time as a full assessment is conducted by Council on a future sports facility that is fit for purpose to meet the future needs of the Rotorua community to go out for full consultation at the appropriate time. 🙁
  • 19 Apr 2021 – Apology for the Springfield Community Conversation. 🙁

Council Meeting of 28 June 2021

It’s rather unfortunate that this has become such a flashpoint for so many people because as we are well aware the lease for the Springfield golf course has another six years to run.

As we discussed in the entirety of our Long Term Plan decisions thus far Rotorua is in a period of incredible change. The aspirations in our Homes and Thriving Communities Strategy that we’ve signed off and the underpinning strategies and investment to support that shows that we have a substantially changed and growing community going forward.

We need to carefully consider the needs of all sporting codes and I’m not predicting one way or another what that might imply for the Springfield Golf Course or for the aspirations of the Fordland Community who would love to have a sports precinct nearer to their community or any of the other. So we need a full assessment done. So that can happen very soon or it can happen down the track.

But it’s not a decision to be made in black and white here today. It needs to go out for consultation at the appropriate time. So what we doing is we are parking the Westbrook Sports Precinct debate and discussion out of this LTP to go forward for full consultation with our community and investment at the appropriate time. As I said before we are facing a period of great change of significant investment in that change in our community and to rush out and renew a lease that’s still got six years to run, to me that just doesn’t make sense. So I support the recommendation that’s on the table that we park this for another day.