❀ Trevor Maxwell

Councillor Election201320162019
Placing2nd of 124th of 1010th of 10
Councilor Election Results – 2013 – 2019

On Westbrook Sports Precinct:

  • 28 June 2021 – Council Meeting voted against the Trumper motion after expressing his concerns that he would like to give Springfield surety, having other sports codes also part of the decision whether they continue or not and the big concern that once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. ❀❀❀
  • June 2021 – met twice with Saving Springfield. ❀❀
  • 18 May 2021 – SP&F Committee voted againstΒ Shirley Trumper’s motion: That the discussion on the future of the Springfield Golf Course be deferred until such time as a full assessment is conducted by Council on a future sports facility that is fit for purpose to meet the future needs of the Rotorua community to go out for full consultation at the appropriate time. ❀
  • 19 Apr 2021 – Attended the Springfield Community Conversation. ❀

Council Meeting of 28 June 2021

I want express some concerns and I did at our previous meeting. I’m not a member of Springfield Golf Club or play golf. I wish I did. So I have no vested interest.

But I do have some concerns because the very well run meeting that was held at Springfield Golf in April. I felt a bit like a tekoteko [like a statue, saying nothing, doing nothing] that night . I couldn’t say anything I couldn’t speak. I’ve been waiting and waiting so we Councillors can say how we feel. I’ve also spoken to senior staff who have assured me that we Councillors will then be involved in discussions as in negotiations. But I do want to express some concerns.

I think the lease, yes its due in 2027, but time just moves on. It’s not giving them surity and looking at some of the details now, Springfield Golf being including in the Westbrook proposal, and we keep being assured that its just a proposal, for me personally, I think it shouldn’t be.

And having other sports codes also part of the decision whether they continue or not, I don’t sit comfortable with that.

So yes I do have concerns and one of the big concerns is that once it’s gone it’s gone forever. [Applause]

Can I also say look during our two day, it was a long two days that we had here in our meeting, and I want to acknowledge people like Robert Lee and some of his group that were here. They sat through those two days as well. So there is kind of concern out there. Yes, whether this goes through or not I hope the concerns I have raised will be addressed.

Kia ora koutou.